Check your fundamental understanding with these CCXP Exam practice questions for Customer Research Know How
In this post you will find 10 CCXP Exam practice questions for Customer Research Know How.
These CCXP Exam practice questions are excerpted from our ‘Customer Experience Management & CCXP Exam Preparation’ training course.
We help people around the world better understand Customer Experience and prepare to take their Certified Customer Experience Professional Exam and we hope you find these practice questions helpful!
A quick look at the official CCXP Exam
The Customer Experience Professionals Association (CXPA) identified five Customer Experience competencies.
Here are the (5) Customer Experience competencies:
- Customer Experience Strategy
- Customer Insights & Understanding
- Design, Implementation & Innovation
- Metrics, Measurement & ROI
- Culture & Accountability
There are currently 100 questions in the official CCXP Exam that cover all the required competencies.
In this post we share 10 CCXP practice questions related to Customer Research Know How.
They are designed to address specific know-how required and are written in the same multiple choice format found on the official CCXP Exam.
Read through each practice question and choose the answer that you think is correct – that’s either a, b, c or d.
There is one correct answer for each practice question.
Remember that the official CCXP Exam is no books, no notes. So answer as best you can from your current knowledge & experience.
The 10 CCXP Exam practice questions for Customer Research Know How
1. Complete this phrase, “Correlation does not equal _____________.”
a. Causation
b. Regression analysis
c. The outcome of a Scatter Diagram
d. None of the answers is correct
2. Based on the image shown, which of these numbers is the mode?
a. 5
b. 4
c. 2
d. The sum of all the numbers shown
3. What is the median for this data set?
102, 56, 34, 99, 89, 101, 10.
a. 10
b. 102
c. None of the answers is correct
d. 89
4. You earned $129, $139, $155 and $176 over the last 4 weeks. What is your average pay?
a. $153.00
b. $149.75
c. $176.00
d. $99.50
5. Which of the following is the best definition of ‘Regression Analysis’?
a. Regression Analysis refers to the most common number in a data set.
b. Regression Analysis is a technique to assess the relationship between a dependent variable and one or more independent variables.
c. The connection between two events or states such that one produces or brings about the other, where one is the cause and the other its effect.
d. Regression Analysis is most often related to the average of a data set.
6. Which answer is the correct interpretation of the diagram show below?
a. There is a positive correlation between the mark in the general knowledge test and the IQ level
b. There is a not positive correlation between the mark in the general knowledge test and the IQ level
c. There is a negative correlation between the mark in the general knowledge test and the IQ level
d. There is no correlation between the mark in the general knowledge test and the IQ level
7. Which answer is the most appropriate interpretation of the diagram shown below?
a. There is a positive correlation between Weight and the Kilometers Run per Week
b. There is a no correlation between Weight and the Kilometers Run per Week
c. There is a negative correlation between Weight and the Kilometers Run per Week
d. There is not a negative correlation between Weight and the Kilometers Run per Week
8. Which of the following is the best definition of a Confidence Interval?
a. How close the survey results of the sample are to the actual results yielded if you were to survey the entire population
b. The overall confidence you have that your figures are correct
c. The percentage that indicates how sure you can be that the total population falls within the Confidence Interval
d. None of the answers shown
9. Which of the following is the best definition of a Confidence Level?
a. How close the survey results of the sample are to the actual results yielded if you were to survey the entire population
b. The degree of certainty you have that your Confidence Interval is correct.
c. The percentage that indicates how sure you can be that the total population falls within the Confidence Interval
d. None of the answers shown
10. Why do most organizations survey a random sample of Customers instead of all Customers?
a. A random sample provides more reliable information
b. Surveying a sample of customers is less expensive
c. The confidence interval is higher when using a random sample
d. None of the above
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And we’ve intentionally gone low-tech here. There’s no need to register anywhere, set-up an account or pay to access the practice questions.
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Because we have a number of different practice question sets out there please tell me which set of practice questions you’ve taken.
These practice questions are for Customer Research Know How.
Then let me know the question # and the answer that you chose (either a,b,c or d).
You can use the following format in your email to me:
- a
- d
- c
- c (and so on for all 10 Practice Questions)
I always do my best to answer quickly and let you know which ones you got right and which need correction.
Thank you for taking the practice questions!
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Daniel Ord
[email protected]